Grant Experience

Resurgens Impact Consulting has experience writing grant applications for the following grant funders. This is not an exhaustive list and doesn’t include every grant funder our team has experience with. Contact us to learn more about how we can help your organization secure grant funding!

  • A Hand Up
  • A Place to Perform
  • AARP Community Challenge
  • AEC Trust
  • Aetna
  • Afterschool and Out-of-School Time (ASOST)
  • Alki Fund
  • Alliant
  • Allstate
  • American Family Insurance Dreams Foundation
  • Americorps
  • Amgen
  • Andrus
  • Anna Lalor Burdick
  • Annie E. Casey
  • Anthem
  • Aprio Foundation
  • ARISE Fund
  • Arlington County RACE to Rebuilding Trust & Community
  • ARPA
  • ARPA Home Modification Grant
  • Arthur M. Blank Family Foundation
  • ATL: Advance Barriers Grant
  • Atlanta Braves
  • Atlanta Falcons Youth Foundation Food Oasis
  • Atlanta Foundation
  • Atlanta/Fulton/DeKalb Emergency Food and Shelter Program (EFSP)
  • Atrium Health Floyd-Polk Foundation Community Impact Grant
  • Autzen
  • Bad Robot
  • Bank of America
  • Baptist Health Care Ministry Foundation
  • Barclay-Giel Seed Grant
  • Benevity
  • Betty and Davis Fitzgerald Foundation
  • Bill and Melinda Gates
  • Bloomberg
  • BNY Mellon/Chase Trust
  • Bright Wings
  • Building Opportunities in Out-of-School Time Grants (BOOST) 
  • Cabot Family Charitable Trust
  • California Black Freedom Fund
  • Callaway Foundation
  • CARE Fund
  • CareSource Foundation
  • Catholic Foundation of North Georgia
  • Centene
  • Center for Disaster Philanthropy
  • Central Congregation Endowment
  • CFGA Common Good General Operating Support Grant
  • CFGA Extra Wish
  • Chick-fil-A True Inspiration Awards
  • Cigna
  • City and County of Honolulu Grants in Aid
  • City of Decatur
  • City of Minneapolis Violence Prevention Services Grant
  • Clayton Cares
  • Clayton County CDBG
  • Clayton County Commissioners
  • Clayton County Commissioners Block Grant
  • Clayton County EFSP
  • Community Catalyst VEAP
  • Community Foods Projects Grants Program from the USDA-National Institute of Food and Agriculture
  • Community Foundation of Greater Atlanta
  • Community Foundation of North Georgia
  • Community Foundation Places and Neighborhoods Grant
  • Connolly Family Foundation
  • Conrad Hilton
  • Constellations Fund
  • Coronavirus Emergency Supplemental Funding CESF (COVID response)
  • Coronavirus State and Local Fiscal Recovery Funds
  • Crankstart
  • CREDO Mobile
  • CVS Health
  • David, Helen, and Marian Woodward Foundation
  • DeKalb CDBG
  • Dekalb County Human Services 
  • DeKalb Department of Health
  • DeKalb Youth Safety & Violence Prevention
  • Delta Community Philanthropic Fund
  • Department of Community Affairs Emergency Solutions Grant
  • Department of Labor Apprenticeship Building America
  • Department of Veterans Affairs Grants and Per Diem
  • Dimick Foundation
  • Dollar General
  • Doris & Victor Day Foundation
  • Duke Health
  • Dyer Family Fund
  • Edna Wardlaw Charitable Trust
  • EMD Serono
  • Emily Winship Scott 
  • ESPN
  • Extra Wish
  • EZ Agape
  • F.R. Bigelow
  • Family Resource Center
  • Family Violence Prevention and Services Act (FVPSA)
  • Fels Fund
  • First Federal Credit Union
  • Ford BUILD
  • Ford Foundation
  • Ford Social Bonds
  • Foundation for a Just Society
  • Frances Hollis Brain Foundation
  • Frances Wood Wilson
  • Frueauff
  • Fulton County Community Service Program
  • Fulton County COVID-19 Response Grant
  • Fulton County Emergency Solutions CARES Act Grant
  • Fulton Dekalb Hospital Authority
  • Fund for New Jersey
  • FVPSA Culturally Specific
  • GAPABA Law Foundation
  • Geist Foundation
  • General Service Foundations
  • Georgia Association of Women Lawyers
  • Georgia Baptist Health Care Ministry Foundation
  • Georgia Charitable Care Network
  • Georgia Charitable Care Network Access to Care for Patients with Multiple Chronic Diseases
  • Georgia Foundation for Public Education
  • Georgia Health Foundation
  • Georgia Housing Investment Partnership
  • Georgia Pacific
  • Georgia Power Foundation
  • Georgia’s Own Credit Union
  • Glenn United Methodist Church
  • Greater Atlanta COVID 19 Response and Recovery Fund
  • Greenspring
  • Groundswell Action Fund
  • Group Health Foundation
  • Harland Foundation
  • Harold and Geraldine Polinger
  • Hauser Family Foundation
  • Hawaii State Legislature
  • Healthcare for the Homeless
  • Healthcare Georgia Capacity Building
  • Healthcare Georgia EmpowerHealth
  • Healthcare Georgia Foundation (now Georgia Health Initiative)
  • Healthcare Georgia Foundation Maternal Health
  • Helpers Community
  • Heritage Bank
  • Heritage Bank
  • Hewlett Foundation
  • Hill Snowdon
  • Holly Lane Foundation
  • Hologic
  • Holzman Foundation
  • Homeless Veterans Reentry Program
  • Homestead Foundation
  • HUD Shelter
  • Hugh J. Anderson
  • Hyslop Shannon
  • Ida Alice Ryan Charitable Trust
  • Imlay Foundation
  • Impact100
  • Inatai Foundation
  • IOLTA/Georgia Bar Foundation
  • Bulow Campbell
  • Jack and Anne Glenn Foundation
  • Jackson EMC
  • James Irvine
  • James M. Cox
  • Jesse Parker Williams Capacity Building Fund
  • Jesse Parker Williams Foundation
  • Jewish Federation Hunger Walk
  • John and Mary Franklin Foundation
  • John and Polly Sparks
  • JPB Foundation
  • JTMF Foundation
  • Judiciary
  • Just Fund/Way to Rise
  • Justice 40 Accelerator
  • Kaiser Family Foundation
  • Kares 4 Kids
  • Katherine John Murphy Foundation
  • Katherine McQuade
  • Kiwanis
  • Kuhrt Foundation
  • Learning Loss
  • Levi Strauss
  • Liberty Mutual
  • Life Comes From It
  • LISC/Verizon
  • Lois and Lucy Lampkin Foundation
  • Looking Out Foundation
  • Loughran
  • Lyft Credits
  • Lyft Wheels for All
  • Mary Allen Lindsey Branan Foundation
  • May & Francis Abreu Charitable Trust – SunTrust
  • McGrath Abrams
  • Meadow Fund
  • Media Democracy Fund
  • Merancas Foundation
  • Mertz Gilmore
  • Microsoft
  • Miller and Chevalier Charitable Foundation
  • Minnesota Department of Public Safety, Office of Justice Programs, Crime Victim Services
  • Minnesota OJP Transitional Housing grant
  • Minority Business Development Agency Capital Readiness
  • Ms. Foundation Activist Collaboration and Care
  • Nathan Cummings
  • National Children’s Alliance
  • Nellie Mae Education Fund
  • New World
  • New York Life Foundation – Grief Reach Grants
  • Norfolk Southern
  • Oak Foundation
  • Office for Victims of Crime FY 2023 Integrated Services for Minor Victims of Human Trafficking
  • Office of Economic Opportunity Shelter Facilities Grant
  • Office on Violence Against Women Comprehensive for the Culturally Specific Services Program
  • Office on Violence Against Women ICJR Culturally Specific TTA
  • Office on Violence Against Women Children & Youth
  • Office on Violence Against Women Innovations 
  • Office on Violence Against Women Legal Assistance for Victims 
  • Office on Women’s Health Safe, Strong, & Sober Project
  • Okefenoke Rural Electric Membership Corporation
  • Open Society Foundation
  • Open Society Policy Center
  • OVW TA Consortium
  • Panta Rhea
  • Partners for Home HUD Renewal
  • Patrick Family Foundation
  • Peabody Foundation
  • PEARL Pledge
  • Penney Family
  • Pinpoint
  • Price Gilbert, Jr. Charitable Fund
  • Realan Foundation (JB Fuqua Foundation)
  • Replogle
  • Resurgence
  • Richard C. Munroe Foundation
  • Robert Wood Johnson Foundation
  • Rockefeller Brothers Fund 
  • Ronald Naito Foundation
  • S&P Global
  • Safe Harbor/No Wrong Door
  • SAMHSA Building Communities of Recovery
  • SAMHSA Early Diversion
  • SAMHSA Enhancement and Expansion of Treatment and Recovery Services for Adolescents, Transitional Aged Youth, and their Families 
  • SAMHSA Grants to Benefit Homeless Individuals
  • SAMHSA Grants to Expand Care Coordination Targeted Capacity Expansion (TCE) through the Use of Technology Assisted Care (TAC) in Targeted Areas of Need
  • SAMHSA Infant and Children Mental Health
  • SAMHSA Mental Health Awareness and Training
  • SAMHSA Offender Reentry
  • SAMHSA Pregnant and Postpartum Women
  • SAMHSA Treatment for Individuals Experiencing Homelessness
  • Sara Giles Moore Foundation
  • Sartain Lanier
  • Schneider
  • Scott Hudgens
  • Senator Warnock Appropriations Request
  • Sexual Assault Services Program (SASP)
  • Sherman Fairchild
  • Sony Music Group
  • Southern AIDS Coalition, a Gilead COMPASS Initiative® Coordinating Center
  • Southern Black Girls & Women’s Consortium COVID-19 Rapid Response Fund Application
  • Speedway Charities
  • Sprouts Healthy Generation Foundation
  • St. Thomas More
  • State Domestic Violence
  • State Farm
  • State Street
  • Sun Life
  • Surdna Foundation
  • Susan Harwood Capacity Building Developmental and Pilots 
  • Tableau
  • Teague
  • The AdvoCare Foundation
  • The City of Atlanta Mayor’s Youth Development Grant Program
  • The David and Minnie Berk Foundation
  • The Jack & Jill of America Foundation
  • The Robert and Joan Dircks Foundation
  • The Scott Hudgens Family Foundation
  • The True Vine Experience Foundation
  • Thomas H. Pitts Trust
  • Tikkun Olam
  • TJX
  • Transitional Living Program
  • Truist Foundation
  • Truist Trusteed Funds
  • Tull Foundation
  • Unitarian Universalist Fund
  • Unite GA
  • United Way EFSP
  • United Way of Greater Atlanta
  • United Way of Greater Chattanooga Catalyst – Capacity Building grant
  • United Way/CFGA Covid-19 response
  • Universal Music Group/Sony
  • US Economic Development Administration Build Back Better Regional Challenge 
  • Vasser Wooley
  • Veatch at Shelter Rock
  • Vertex
  • Victims of Crime Act (VOCA)
  • Violence Against Women Act (VAWA)
  • Visionary Prize
  • Vote Your Voice
  • K. Kellogg Foundation
  • Walmart
  • Waterfall
  • WCA Foundation
  • Weissberg
  • Wells Fargo Foundation
  • Wellspring
  • Women Donors Network
  • Yardi
  • Yield Giving
  • Zeist
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